Title - The Language of Love
Author - Abhishek Thakkar and Purba Chakroborty
Publisher - notion press
Genre - poetry
Pages - 104
Format - paperback
'The Language of Love : A Bouquet of soulful love poems' edited by Abhishek Thakkar and Purba Chakroborty is an anthology of poems based on the most beautiful human emotion that is Love. Written by various poets from all over the world that talks about Love in different ways. Some poems talks about loving someone for the first time and being romantic and other talks about sadness and heartaches that love brings. Beautiful illustrations are also provided in the book which will help us understand more about this emotion. These poems are beautifully portrayed in the book which has the power to keep the readers hooked till the end. The flow of each poem is well paced.
Overall, a soulful read
Rating - 5/5
I recommend this book to all poetry lovers out there.
Thanks for reading.