Tuesday 20 April 2021

Book Review : Shape Your Thinking

Book Review : Shape Your Thinking

Title - Shape your thinking
Author - Shashank Mutneja
Genre - self help
Pages - 112
Format - kindle

As the title suggests this book is a self help and informative book. This book has enough power to motivate the readers to achieve his/her goals. The book is divided into 5 main chapters and each chapter is further divided into many sub chapters. I liked the chapter four 'when to speak and when to get silent'

The cover of the book is aptly designed and the title is totally relevant to the content. The main concept of the book is to attain success and how to challenge your problems in present days.
The author has explained everything amazingly by giving the real life experiences of successful people and what techniques they executed. The book has highlighted mainly on how one can make his/her thinking positive.

The author has pointed that how one can concentrate on life goals. The author has very well weaved the Indian and western school of thoughts. At the end there are 10 amazing lessons from Bhagwad Gita.

Hats off to the author for writing such an amazing book. The flow of the book is well paced. But one should read it slowly to grasp the content of the book fully.

Overall, an motivational and informative read.

Rating - 4.4/5

I recommend this book to everyone for inspiration.
Thanks for reading.

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