Tuesday 8 March 2022

Book Review : So how will you sleep?

Book Review : So how will you sleep ?

Title - So How will you sleep?
Author - Annabel Gardiner
Genre - children's book
Pages - 25
Format - e-book

'So how will you sleep?' by Annabel Gardiner is a beautiful children's book. The cover and illustrations of this small book is so eye catchy which is enough to attract a kid. Title of the book is totally relevant to the content. The plot of the story is very informative for small kids that how different creatures like bat, whale, koala, fox, bee, and bear go to sleep? It is a perfect blend of fun and informative.
Language used is simple and rhythmatic. Writing style is conversational and superb. This book is a perfect gift option for kids. The flow of the book is well paced.

Overall, a nice and informative read.

Rating - 5/5

I recommend this book to all kids and their parents.
Thanks for reading.

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