Sunday 8 May 2022

Book Review :- Tenacious

Book Review : Tenacious

Title - Tenacious
Author - Caleb Thornton
Genre -Fiction
Pages - 41
Format - e-book

This book 'Tenacious' by Caleb Thornton revolves around the protagonist Matthew, a shy adolescent boy. He is racking to track his way into the first year of high school. There is another boy in the school carter Mitchell of Grade 11a, tall and handsome boy with jet black hair.

Read the book to know more about his journey in school and about his relations with Carter.

This small book is divided into 3 chapters which is readers friendly.

1.Eating Dirt is fun.
2. Hangnail
3. Rubbing Alcohol

The cover of the book could have been better. The title is relevant. The plot of the story is interesting, engaging and relatable. The author has very well narrated each and everything. Language used is simple and lucid. Characters are well developed by the author though space is limited due to short book. The flow of the book is well paced.

Overall, a nice read.

Rating - 4.3/5

I recommend this book to all (18+)

Thanks for reading.

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