Wednesday 15 March 2023

Book Review : Attaboy

Book Review : Attaboy

Title - Attaboy
Author - Caleb Thornton
Genre - memoir
Pages - 35
Format - e-book

'Attaboy' by Caleb Thornton is a short memoir of author's own childhood experience with his father and other men in his life. He has shared how he was very close to his father in his childhood until his parents got separated. His father used to visit him rarely but it all stopped when he found someone else. So Caleb tried to find solace in other men but all treated him wrong.

Read the book to know will he be able to find someone who will make him feel good.

The cover of the book is okay but could have been better. The title is totally apt to the content. The plot of the story is emotional and engaging. Characters are well developed and described by the author. Language used is simple and lucid. The flow of the book is well paced. It's a short read which will take you to a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Overall, an emotional read.

Rating - 4/5
I recommend this book to those who love reading memoirs.
Thanks for reading. 

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