Saturday 10 December 2022

Book Review : Forbidden

Book Review : Forbidden

Title - Forbidden
Author - Rajiv Shah
Publisher - Tree shade books
Genre - mystery/fiction
Pages - 344
Format - paperback

The story of this book 'Forbidden' by Rajiv Shah revolves around a squash champion Karan who has relationships with three women Sanjana, Simran and Pooja. One day he went missing and eventually found dead. Susan and Rahul have been appointed to solve this case. Each suspect had a strong motive to kill Karan.

Who killed him?
Will he be punished?

Read the book to know the answers.

The cover of the book is aptly designed and the title is totally apt to the content. The plot of the story is interesting, engaging and unputdownable. It is a perfect blend of mystery, murder, suspense and romance. The author has narrated the story very well. His writing style is smooth and impressive. Language used is simple and lucid. Characters are well developed and described. The flow of the book is well paced.

Overall, a thrilling read.

Rating - 5/5

I recommend this book to all thrilling lovers out there.
Thanks for reading.

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