Friday 2 December 2022

Book Review : Goal get'em girls! Guided Journal

Book Review : Goal get'em girls! Guided Journal

Title - Goal you get'em girls!  Guided journal
Author - Dr. Joy Green
Genre - self help
Pages - 74
Format - e-book

I picked up this book due to its eye catchy tagline. This book is a motivational self help book based on achieving goals by breaking all the barriers that come in the way. It's specially written for women who are goal achievers but couldn't get them. Tips are also provided in the book on how to push the barriers.

The author tells the readers that patience and  consistency plays an important role in achieving goals. She also guides the readers on how to create and action plan and never give up. It's a short read with useful tips for those who want to achieve their goals.

Overall, a helpful guide.

I recommend this book to all.

Thanks for reading.

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