Sunday 28 May 2023

Book Review : Flares in the sky

Book Review : Flares in the sky

Title - Flares in the sky
Author - Mayank Nayal
Publisher -Bluerose
Genre - poetry
Pages - 60
Format - paperback 

'Flares in the sky' by Mayank Nayal is a beautiful collection of poems that are based on love such as excitement of a new love, pain of a heartbreak, or longing for a lover etc. The author has done a great job penning down these poems marrying with nature. His writing style is smooth and flowing which makes it an engaging read. Language used is simple and lucid. Emotions portrayed in the poems are relatable that can take readers on a roller coaster ride of falling in love. The cover of the book is simple and could have been better. The title is totally relevant to the content. The flow of each poem is well paced.

Overall, an engaging read.

Rating - 5/5

I recommend this book to all poetry lovers out there.

Thanks for reading. 

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