Wednesday 31 May 2023

About the author

About the author

Hello everyone, Today I am going to introduce you to the author of 'Flares in the Sky' book. 

Mayank Nayal the author of “Trail of fireflies”, has returned with his next poetry book on love “Flares in the sky”. By profession, he is a government employee and currently working in the Union bank of India. Besides writing he loves to play piano and explore new places. Born and raised in the hills of Almora, Uttarakhand he has always been a nature lover. The works of classic poets like John Keats and William Wordsworth are his inspirations in the writing journey. The author in his own words says, “As a love poet, I strive to capture the beauty and complexity of love through my words. I also believe that love has the power to heal, to connect us all, to connect us with the beauty of nature and I strive to capture this sentiment in my poetries. Ultimately, my goal as a love poet is to create poetries that resonate with my readers and remind them of the beauty and power of love as well as the blessings of the green world around us.”

Thanks for reading. 

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