Monday 27 November 2023

Book Review : Stifle

Book Review : Stifle

">Title - Stifle
Author - Caleb Thornton
Genre - memoir
Pages - 37
Format - e-book

'Stifle' by Caleb Thornton is a short memoir of author's own transformational journey from being a negative person to a positive one. He has shared how people's mean behavior could impact innocent and kind hearted person. He was working as a substitute teacher in a school but one day got fired because his colleague has informed higher authorities that his content on social media is inappropriate. He says he didn't want to hide himself just for a job. Being an author, he was promoting his book on Instagram page. He asks the readers that we should be ourselves no matter what.

In another chapter of this book, there's a fictional character Mr. Perfect which he named as Wade. He has been an inspiration of many and was in Caleb's mind since a long time but now he has realized that he can't be Mr. Perfect and has accepted himself the way he is. He shares the lesson with the readers that one should not compete with anyone but with our own selves. God has made us perfect in our own way. The emotions of the author are raw and the writing style is smooth and impressive. Language used is simple and lucid. The cover of the book could have been better and the flow is well paced.

Overall, a motivational read.

Rating - 4/5

I recommend this book to all memoir lovers out there.

Thanks for reading.

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