Monday 6 November 2023

Book Review : The Boy who hated Christmas

Book Review : The Boy who hated Christmas

Title - The Boy who really hated Christmas
Author - Charlie Damitz
Genre - fiction

The story of 'The Boy who really hated Christmas' by Charlie Damitz revolves around two good friends Barney and Ned who are patiently waiting for Christmas and their presents. While sipping their hot chocolate which was only reserved for special occasion in poor neighbourhood, they're discussing Christmas and how Santa bring presents to those who have been really good all year along and Ned has been good for three years now but no Christmas present for him at all. But a rich kid, Barth Rifkin is a jerk and gets everything. That's the reason for Ned to hate Christmas.

They thought maybe being bad is what Santa likes so both of them started making plans on the best ways to be bad in three days. First they were bad to their favourite teacher in school ie, Mrs. Ford. Secondly, they threw snowball at every passing passenger and then they teased and made  Barney's sister Daisy cry before dinner. Later they realised being bad isn't fun at all and it's like to be Barth Rifkin now. So they thought to confess to everyone they hurt and felt better.

Read the book to know more about the story...

The cover of the book is aptly designed and the title is totally relevant to the content. The plot of the story is interesting, engaging and inspiring. It's a perfect blend of friendship, honesty, fun etc. The writing style of the author is smooth and impressive. Language used is simple and lucid. Character development is too good. In this book, the author is trying to convey the message to the readers that always listen to your inner voice and make being good a priority rather than material presents. The flow of the book is well paced.

Overall, a thought provoking read.

Rating - 4/5

I recommend this to all.

Thanks for reading.

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