Saturday 4 December 2021

Book Review : The Expectionals

Book Review : The Exceptionals

Title - The Expectionals
Author - Kumar Mehta
Publisher - Rupa publication
Genre - non fiction
Pages - 208
Format - paperback

It's the tagline of the book 'How the best become the best and how you can too' which made me to pick it up. This book is a helpful guide to understand the meaning of expectional and how we can achieve this. The concept of the book is different, unique, thought provoking and very useful to discover one's own capabilities. The author has explained each and everything with suitable examples of real life stories.

The cover of the book is simple and the title of the book is relevant to the content. Language used is simple and lucid. The author has provided many techniques which can help anyone for the betterment of his/her abilties.

According to the author everyone is born with some or the other ability. It's just we need to recognise it and focus to make it excellent. Hats off to the author for his research work to provide us such motivational stories.

Overall, an amazing and helpful read.

Rating - 5/5

I recommend this book to all specially to young ones.
Thanks for reading.

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