Saturday 11 December 2021

Book Review : Kashmir! Kashmir!

Book Review : Kashmir! Kashmir!

Title - Kashmir! Kashmir!
Author - Deepa Agarwal
Publisher - Scholastic
Genre - Short stories
Pages - 126
Format - Paperback

This book is a beautiful collection of 9 short stories. The author has written these stories for the young ones of 12 years and above. These stories are mainly about the friendship and family. The cover of the book is dark and the title of the book is totally relevant to the content. The plot of the stories are interesting, engaging and emotional. They are perfect blend of courage, hope, friendship, family and manage with the change of circumstances. The author has very well narrated the beauty of Kashmir like Shikaras, snow, apple orchard etc.

Language used is simple and lucid. Characters are well developed by the author though it's very difficult to express due to the short length of the stories . Hats off to the author for writing such a book because we all forgot about the beauty, culture, food and scenic beauty of Kashmir.

Overall, a must read book.

Rating - 4.8/5

I recommend this book to everyone.
Thanks for reading.

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