Tuesday 15 February 2022

Book Review : A Broken Crayon Still Colours

Book Review : A Broken Crayon Still Colours

Title - A Broken Crayon Still Colours Author - Danielle Mazzilli
Genre - children's book
Pages - 38
Format - e-book

'A Broken Crayon Still Colours' is a heartwarming and thoughtful book at divorce from a children's point of view. The story revolves around a young girl who wants to draw a family portrait but she is in confusion because her grownups have decided for divorce so she thought how she'll draw her family portrait.

Read the book to know more about the thoughts of the young girl.

The cover of the book is eye catchy and enough to attract the attention of kids. Title of the book is suitable. The plot of the story is meaningful. It is a perfect blend of different emotions. The author has very well penned down the emotions of a young child whose parents go through divorce. Language used is simple and in lyrical style. Illustrations given in book are very attractive. This book is helpful for the kids who deal with their broken families. The flow of the book is fast paced.

Overall, an emotional read.

Rating - 5/5

I recommend this book to all parents and kids.
Thanks for reading.

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