Friday 18 February 2022

Book Review : Leadership in 100 words

Book Review : Leadership in 100 words

Title - Leadership in 100 words
Author - Mainak Dhar
Publisher - Bloomsbury
Genre - non fiction
Pages - 162
Format - paperback

As the title suggests this book 'Leadership in 100 words' is about how to become a best leader. In this book the author has amazingly penned down the useful tips which are very helpful in one's life who wants to become a leader or mentor. He has explained each and everything in detail which he had experienced in his career.

This book is divided into 5 sections -

1. A brief history of mentoring
2. Leading others
3. Leading through change
4. Leading yourself
5. A parting request

In this book the author has also assembled some questions of his Linkidin profile. The cover of the book is aptly designed. The content of the book is very motivational and informative. Language used is simple and lucid. The flow of the book is well paced.

Overall, a useful guide with practical advice on leadership.

Rating - 4.6/5

I recommend this book to all specially to those who wants to learn leadership skills.
Thanks for reading.

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