Thursday 17 February 2022

Book Review : Moonchild Souls

Book Review : Moonchild Souls

Title - Moonchild Souls
Author - Dr. Dwijisha Katkar
Genre - poetry
Format - kindle

'Moonchild Souls' is a beautiful collection of poems. The cover of the book is eye catchy and aptly designed. The title of the book is totally relevant. The book is divided into 5 chapters -

1. Innocence
2. Growing up
3. Love, loss and pain
4. Denail and Anger
5. Acceptance

The author has almost penned down every phase of life and emotions like peace, jealousy, hatred, monsters, childhood etc. Every poem is deep, relatable and heart touching. Language used is simple yet powerful. Writing style is smooth and flowing .
Illustrations and real pictures given within are really eye soothing and goes well with the content. Some poems take you down to your memory lane while some poems are dark.  I liked the poems which are about mothers.

Overall, a nice read.

Rating - 4.8/5

I recommend this book to all specially to poetry lovers out there.

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