Wednesday 25 October 2023

Book Review : Let Nature Be Your Compass

Book Review : Let Nature Be Your Compass

Title - Let Nature Be Your Compass
Author - Rosie Tomkins
Genre - self help and business 
Pages - 168
Format - e-book

'Let Nature Be Your Compass' by Rosie Tomkins is a self help book based on the concept of Natural Intelligence. In this book, the author has shared deep insights based on her own wisdom and knowledge so that people can grow in their business. She has highlighted that energy is everything and on the positive use of our perceptions, instincts and insights which will align us with nature and bring success in our work and personal life too.

The writing style of the author is smooth and impressive which makes it an engaging read. The cover of the book is totally apt to the content and the title is relevant. Language used is simple and lucid. Questions given at the end of each chapter are readers friendly. Tips provided in the book can make the life of readers better if they implement them. The flow of the book is well paced.

Overall, a helpful guide.

Rating - 4.5/5

I recommend this book to all.

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