Monday 22 February 2021

Author Interview : Nishith Goyal

Author Interview : Nishith Goyal

Hello everyone,
Today I am going to introduce you to the author of 'Be Better Bit by Bit'

Let's start!

1)First of all, introduce yourself to our readers.

Hi, I am Nishith Goyal. I am a Chartered Accountant by profession. I am a Marathoner, writer, Author, Podcaster, diarist, and a personal-transformation coach in my personal life. I am the creator of a unique self-development platform - Be Better Bit-By-Bit, and I believe in the philosophy of “Small and Consistent Improvements.”

2)Tell us something about your book 'Be Better Bit By Bit.’

"Be Better Bit-By-Bit” is more than a book. It’s my journey. It’s a philosophy in which I deeply believe in. The book is sewed together under the theme of “Small and consistent improvements.” It discusses concepts of self-awareness, mindfulness, the art of journaling, my learnings from the journey of long-distance running, why I consider sleep essential to my life, and how reading books can transform you for good.

The book is a culmination of changes that I brought into my life using these tools and methods and how my readers can do the same to their lives.

The book is a humble attempt to pass on this philosophy and let the readers understand how “small and consistent improvements” can completely transform their lives. The book is written in easy language with many exercises to help the reader along this journey.

3)Your book seems to be a helpful guide. How did the idea of penning down come into?

I created the platform “Be Better Bit-By-Bit” when the idea of transferring what I learn each day to a more extensive set of audiences occurred to me. The idea came into being when I was doing my daily journaling, and a flash through struck me. I shared this with a few friends, and we started this WhatsApp group called - Be Better Bit-By-Bit. We started with 6-7 members, and I gave them daily activities, which were a perfect blend of the “Small and Consistent Improvements” philosophy. These activities included small physical challenges, journaling prompts, mindfulness exercises, book snippets, etc.

Soon, the platform started showing colors, and my confidence in the philosophy grew.

One morning, while on the way to the office, I was looking up at the sky, and that’s when it struck me that why not take the idea a bit further. I was already exploring my writing skills on the Medium platform, so why not take the philosophy to a bigger audience through a book. The idea kept me nudging for months, and finally, after the initial hitch, I started writing my thoughts in August 2019.

4)Did you always want to become a writer?

No. I am not sure when writing entered my life. As I narrated the story above, becoming an author was a “flash thought.”

Though I was regular with my journaling habit, expressing my thoughts through the Medium platform was the first serious step towards writing. Article by article, the journey gave me confidence, and all the tools, i.e., self-awareness, mindfulness, running, journaling, Be Better Bit-By-Bit platform, together became the book that you and I are holding together.

5)How do you handle negative feedback?

To be honest, I feel feedback is never “negative.” It’s the way we think of it that decides whether it’s negative or positive.

I am part of the corporate world for the last 15-years. And, receiving and giving feedback is engraved in our daily professional life. Imagine someone taking time out for you and giving you feedback on what you are doing right or wrong. How can that person be wrong? The tone can be wrong, but intentions are never wrong. Take such conversations in a positive stride, and it will only help you grow and not the other way round.

I believe if people don’t give you feedback, that’s when it should raise the alarm.

Take the example of personal relationships; if couples don’t share feedback for each other and then take them in the proper stride, the relationship will never grow in the right direction.

After all of this, if I feel someone is harsh to me or there is a lot of “negativity” in the feedback, I go quiet. That’s the way I handle negativity. Going quiet allows me to calm down. Once my mind is in shape, the feedback doesn’t look negative. It works all the time.

6)Are you planning other books? How soon can your readers expect your next book?

Yes, I have already started penning down my next book. It’s going to be another year for that book.

7)How has your journey as an author been so far?

Every day has been a learning experience. I know that’s a cliche. But that’s what has happened. Publishing the book has made me realize the gaps, the perspective change, and the fact that authors need to know sales. And that’s my most significant learning during this process.

I am enjoying the journey because it lets me meet and talk to people I would not have otherwise. Becoming an Author has opened gates that I never knew were there.

The journey of this book is more of learning for me than for my readers. And that’s why this journey is so exciting.

8)Who are your favorite Indian and foreign motivational author?

I read and listen a lot to Brian Tracy, Dale Carnegie. And from Indian authors, I like Priya Kumar’s mix of motivation and fiction.

9)What does your family think of your writing?

Extremely supportive. For my daughter, she feels proud to introduce me as an Author. And for my spouse, feels great when her friends greet her as an Author’s wife, I feel proud too. My parents and my family are almost on cloud nine. The day my book was launched, there were so many happy tears.

My first book is a tribute to Late Ms. Shobha Agarwal, my maternal aunt, a mother figure to me, whom we lost a few weeks back. I will regret that I was not able to release my book in her presence.

My book is not an effort only by me, it’s a collective effort. When a writer becomes an author, it’s not only because of his efforts, it’s because of the efforts of all the people around him. Everyone contributes.

10)Any message for your readers?

I just want to say one thing - Friends; every goal is big and unachievable till you perceive it that way. If you make tiny or micro or small efforts each day, the consistency will lead you to a state when your confidence grows big.

Who would have thought 50-years back that we will be searching for life on the Planet Mars, but we are doing it? The process was slow, but it was steady. And, the results are here to be seen by the World.

“Be Better Bit-By-Bit” is the same for me. 500-words each day, and here I am, in front of the World with my first book.

The only message I have is this - Be Better Bit-By-Bit.

Thanks for reading.

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