Monday 15 February 2021

Book Review : Ella Sue And The Burlap Bag

Book Review : Ella Sue And The Burlap Bag

Title - Ella Sue and the Burlap Bag
Author - Robin Taylor
Genre - children's book
Pages - 36
Format - e-book

The story revolves around the Ella Sue Hartgrove, the daughter of Sharecroppers Jessie and Estelle Hartgrove. She is born in Shelby, North Carolina. During harvest time when she was six years old her father asked her to give a hand on the field.

Will she be happy to help her family?
Will she be sad to miss her classes?

Read the book to know more.

The cover of the book is attractive enough to keep the attention of kids. The title of the book is totally apt. The plot of the story is interesting, engaging and educational. The author has amazingly woven the values of love, friends, family and community without any discrimination of skin color.

The illustrations are wonderful which has the capability to capture the real meaning of the story. Language used is simple and lucid. Hats off to the author for giving such valuable lessons to kids through this book.

Overall, an excellent read.

Rating - 5/5

I recommend this book to all specially children and their parents.

Thanks for reading.

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