Saturday 13 February 2021

Book Review : The Boy who can't swim

Book Review : The Book Who Can't Swim

Title - The Boy Who Can't Swim :
A story of overcoming
  Heartbreak, Pain and
Author - Ravish T. Ram
Genre - fiction
Pages - 29
Format - kindle

The story revolves around the protagonist Somesh, an author when he was sitting on the bank of river ganga he saw 3 boys who were about to jump in the water. Somesh went near them and convinced them to tell their stories that why they decided to commit suicide?
Will Somesh be able to save their lives?
Is there any bend in the story?

Read the book to know the answers.

The cover of the book could have been better. The title of the book is totally relevant. The plot of the story is exciting, engaging and motivational. It is a perfect blend of heartbreak, pain and desperation. But from these stories the author has given a very good message to the readers at the end -

'Instead of running ,start facing your problems. When you start doing that most of the problems start to disappear itself. So be a warrior rather than a worrier.'

Language used is simple and lucid. Characters are well developed but there is the scarcity of emotions to relate with them may be due to the short length of the book.

Overall, a motivational read.

Rating - 4/5

I recommend this book to all.
Thanks for reading.

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