Tuesday 22 October 2019

Author Interview : Khemkarann

Author Interview : Khemkarann

Hello everyone,
Today I am going to introduce you to the author of 'THE PATOMSKIY CRATER'

Let's start!

1) Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? 
This one is a really loaded question, I can go on and on about it. To be as concise as I can be, I grew up in the suburbs of Mumbai, India, and moved to the UK for the past 16 years, I presently live with my wife in the UK and work in Management for a top Investment Bank. I love to read and write in any spare time I  can find, mostly using the long train commute to work, and weekend coffee shop breaks.

2) Did you always want to become a writer? 
I was a confused teenager, and I wanted to become many things that changed almost every month, but being a writer was not one of them. It was much later in life that my love for books grew exponentially.

3) When did you start writing? 
It's only later in life that I picked up reading big time, and every time I read a story I wanted to tell it differently.  So much so, that I decided I needed to tell a story my way and started to pen it.

4) What is 'The Patomskiy Crater 'about? 
The blurb of the book is elaborate but in summary, It's about young adventurers going to a remote part of Siberia on an adventure trip, only to find themselves in serious trouble. Some are mysteriously found dead, and two are on the run trying to escape from someone or something. Will they survive? Who is following them and why?

5) What motivated you to write this book? 
I had a story brewing in my head for a long time, and I liked investigating mysterious places that modern science is yet to explain. Found Patomskiy Crater being one of them, and it was a matter of time that I combined my story with the crater.

6) Describe 'The Patomskiy Crater ' in one line. 
An intricate, scary and ruthlessly suspenseful mystery that will thrill no end.

7) What's the best experience you've gained through writing? 
Writing itself is the best experience of my life, one can create a world for oneself and dwell in it for a long time

8) Who is your favorite Indian and foreign author? 
Amish Tripathy and Dan Brown

9) What are your future plans?
Continue writing, several stories on my mind that I want to pen down.

10) How soon can your readers expect your next book? 
I have written several books that are yet to be published, need to decide which one is the next.

11) Any message for your readers?
Thank you for the overwhelming response to the book, really humbled and pleased that the book is so well received.

Thanks for reading.

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