Thursday 24 October 2019

Author Interview : Siya

Author Interview : Siya

Hello everyone,
Today I am going to introduce you to the author of 'Diary of a twenty something'

Let's start!

1) Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
About myself? That's a tough one as I am not the most interesting person. I am just an ordinary girl whose life took a lots of twists and turns she didn't really anticipate. But, I guess I like swimming, reading, writing, poetry-journaling, spending time with the people love, learning, and challenging ideas. I am twenty and a student and I really hope, like everyone else, to help make the world a better place or at least make someone smile when they hear my name. I am not really an activist but I do stand for some causes that are close to me.

2) When did you start writing and what do you think attracted you to poetry?
I started writing fiction when I was 9 but I have always been a writer or a storyteller. My mom writes wonderful poetry, so you can say it runs in my blood. What attracted me to poetry is that it helps me de-stressde-stress. I didn't sit down one day and decide to write poems. It just happened.

3) As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
As a child, I wanted to be a writer and a doctor.

4) What poets did you enjoy reading as a child?
I always had a soft spot for the Romantics. Keats, Byron and so on. I also am a huge fan of The Beats. As a child though, Keats and Wordsworth held my heart.

5) What motivated you to go on to focus on a career in writing?
Honestly, I can't recall. I just loved reading and writing and wanted to help people feel less alone, just like reading made me feel I was less lonely. To quote William Owen Herondale, one of my favorite fictional characters, "books made me feel like I was not completely alone."

6) Tell me something about your book 'Diary of a twenty something '.
My book is a collection of 46 musings. I say musings and not poems because they are more free style than most poetry I have come across. They are written from the perspective of a fictional character Siya and they are more like dairy entries than anything else. I wrote it to spread awareness about a lot of teenage issues I feel we dont speak enough about and because I wanted people who go through such experiences, good or bad, to feel like they aren't alone.

7)Explain your book in one line.
Teenage Musings

8) What do you like to do when you are not writing?
I read. I study psychology and liberal arts. I talk to my loved ones. I binge watch Netflix. I try to pick up new skills. Oh and I drive my therapist nuts once a week.

9) What's the best experience you've gained through your writing?
There are a lot of experience. Writing has helped me get to know myself better, it has helped be more patient and understanding. It has empowered me. But I think, the best memory I have is when a reviewer left a fanfiction review on one of my famfictions saying it helped them get through a tough phase. That feeling of being able to help someone is the new experience ever. Also, the friends I have made because I write.

10) How did you get started as a poet? How do your poems develop? Please guide us through the stages of a poem. 
. Again, I can't recall the moment I made poetry writing a regular part of my life. I remember struggling with it and then suddenly I am writing poems. It sounds stupid but that's how it was. My poems are pretty spontaneous and in the truest sense a spontapus outburst of emotion. I am still working on editing and the ability to recall and recount this experience in calmness. My poems aren't the most metaphoric or deep so I am not the best poet to take advise from but the stages of a poem are rhyme, rhythm and meter if you dont want to write freestyle, and revision in my opinion. Take something that inspired emotion in you andpen it down. Break at acceptable places and you have poetry. It doesn't have to be grand.

11) What do you see as the role of poetess in modern day society?
The modern poetess I feel has the role of helping people get in touch with their feeling and spreading awareness. The role of a poet never changes, expression alone does.

12)Any message for your readers?
I haven't lived a long full life where I am brimming with experience so all I want to say is to follow your dreams, get out of the clouds, and make those dreams real. And stay hydrated.

Thanks for reading.

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