Monday 18 May 2020

Author Interview : Sourabh Thakur

Author Interview : Sourabh Thakur

Hello everyone,
Today I am going to introduce you to the author of 'Aham'

Let's start!

1) First of all introduce yourself to the readers.

I am Saurabh, a filmmaker by profession. I run a production house called Wingfoot Productions in Noida. I am originally from Bihar, but have travelled and stayed in many cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Delhi, mostly for studies and work. I never really thought about being an author, but then about 5-6 years back, I came up with an idea and thought it could work well as a book, and so, Aham came into being. 

2) What is 'The Aham Trilogy' about? 
Aham is a fantasy fiction series which is set in a world that is hidden from humans. It deals with past wrongs, the drive the avenge them and the shaky moral grounds that we stand on in the times of war. 

3) What prompted you to write about this genre of spirits,  demons and humans?
I have always been a huge fan of fantasy fiction ever since I read Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien and have always wanted to be a part of such worlds. Originally, the idea for Aham started as a fan fiction for A song of Ice and Fire, but I realized that I had enough material for an entirely new world and that's how Aham came into being. 

4) Describe your book in one line. 
A tale of revenge, redemption and assimilation. 

5) What is your writing process like? 
There a lot of times that I had heard in the past that writing does not need a process, but I strongly believe that there needs to be one. Personally, I always start at the end. I always think of the climax first, and then build the story backwards from there. The one thing that I always adhere to while writing (whether books or scripts) is that I need to have the entire story structure in place. Before I start writing anything, I need to know the sequence of events and motivations. And I think it is because of that that I have nor experienced the writer's block as yet! 

6) What do you like to do when you're not writing? 
If I am not writing or working, I am mostly watching a movie or a series or reading a book. Apart from that, my dog Sansa takes up most of my time! I do like cooking also at times, but mostly I am just lazy and find it the most difficult task to get up from the couch! 

7) What does your family think of your writing? 
They have been extremely supportive and encouraging. Not just my parents and my sister, but even my extended family has been very enthusiastic about having a writer in their midst! It kind of feels special! In fact, my cousin Animesh gave me one of the best feedback that I have received so far (though it may be a little biased considering he's my cousin). He said that Aham does to fantasy what Scorsese did to gangster films, that is move the story along without getting bogged down under atmosphere building.

8) What's your reaction towards negative feedback? 
Negative feedback can be in many forms, but if it is a constructive one, I always treasure it. That is the only way of knowing what to improve upon. But if there is negative feedback that comes from someplace else, I just forget it! 

9) What are your future plans? How soon can your readers expect your next book? 
My future plans include a shift to Mumbai soon, and a venture into films and web series hopefully! The manuscript for my next is ready actually, and it is undergoing the editing as of now. It's an attempt at horror, and I hope that it has come out well! 

10) What advice do you have for writers and readers?
Considering that Aham is my debut book, I really don't think I am in much of a position to give out advice! But a general advice to everyone would be to explore more. You never know when you might discover something that becomes your next passion! 

Thanks for reading.

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